When we were kids our parents took us to Circus Cirucs in Las Vegas. We had a blast there. Swimming, playing arcades games, winning prizes and watching the live circus acts. It was pretty cool to watch all the constant activity, lights and glitz.
Well...all that is gone. Other than entertainment, there is no real reason to go to Las Vegas, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, or even some back alley bookie with the advent of online gambling. If you're looking to have fun (responsibly), then it might be for you.
I always follow the cardinal rule. Don't walk into a casino with any money you're not prepared to lose. The same goes for online gambling! Even more so!
I enjoy betting the odds on NFL football, but only mid to late season. Attempting to figure out a teams strengths and weaknesses during the pre-season, beginning of the season and even the run-up to the playoffs can be challenging. I can usually do ok just by betting long-shot parlays.
I started betting a couple bucks here and there just to keep me interested in the sport. Sure, I followed my favorite teams closely, but the rest of the teams, I never really cared for. This forces me to "have skin in the game". So in the fall, winter months, I start a fire, sit back and watch a little football and make it a little more interesting. Watching a $5.00 13-way Parlay payoff to a couple hundred/thousand bucks makes it kinda fun.
Want to know the only crappy part to all this? TAXES! It used to be that you could roll into a casino and as long as you didn't hit a jackpot, you could roll out of there and not declare your winnings. Shame on you! :-) Don't you believe in giving the government their fair share of literally doing nothing. Hah! Unfortunately, all this online betting is tracked to the penny! So if you're a winner like me, prepare to pay!
Copyright © Zachary Burns. All Rights Reserved. Last Updated - 01/16/2013
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